Wednesday, April 1, 2009

day 1

for time:
400m row
50 air squats
40 sit ups
30 push ups
20 box jumps
10 pull ups


  1. Stephen, Whitney, Olivia Jane, Marshall Wood, and Stephen Bauer said...
    Off to a good start! Great workout this morning and I've been eating great today...keeping track of everything in my new "50 day challenge" notebook. :) If anyone has any great menu ideas, please post them. I'd love to know what they are. Great job already everybody! This challenge is so much easier for me knowing there are several of you doing it too!
    Becky said...
    My time this morning was 09:13. Did step ups on 24" box (instead of smaller box jumps) and pushups on knees. Sooo sore from previous days workouts really affected squats and made them slow. Diet is spot on. Had lean steak and broccoli with balsamic vinaigrette for lunch!
    Scott said...
    Day 1 in the books. WOD time was
    5:13. I have been strict zone diet since monday(weighing all my portions even). My energy levels have been great. Have a weekend trip starting saturday to Vegas for a buddy's bachelor party which will derail me quite a bit, but it just gives me more incentive to stay strict to diet after the trip!!
    Charlie said...
    As my arms, chest, lats, and stomach are extremely soar, I'm starting off w/ a day off for day 1! My meals were healthy, lots of raw veggies and some lentils and rice… See you tomorrow Johnny!
    Maomao said...
    My time was 7:23ish. Not too bad!

    And while I didn't tell Mr. Waiter to hold off on my chips at Ojeda's, I controlled myself and only ate a couple chips, and no tortillas!
    ms said...
    Day 1 is in the books! I'm a little sore tonight. But it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be today. I'm excited to see how it goes in the weeks to come! Diet.....well, I'm taking baby steps. That's going to be the hardest part!
    Bill Strahan said...
    Fun workout. My time was 7 something. I'll check it out on the board tomorrow.

    Still off the caffeine, and doing zone. I'm having a cheat day this Saturday, and then right back on it.

    And what Becky MEANT to say in the 2nd comment above was "Bill cooked steak and broccoli for me."

    Scott said...
    Hey Bill, I love the GHD machine, but I curse you everytime I am on it!!!!
    Stephen, Whitney, Olivia Jane, Marshall Wood, and Stephen Bauer said...
    Day 2 going strong. This is my "off" day to no report there, but haven't goofed yet on food. It's amazing the habbit of "just grabbing one dorrito"..etc. and you don't even realize it. (until now!!) Just had my afternoon snack of a cold, juicy orange. Beats girl scout cookies, right? Stephen has sent me some hilarious texts today that look like this: sweet tea? and..."there is a huge plate on choc. chip cookies and brownies in the middle of our table at's torture." Yes, I agree!
    Becky said...
    Holy cow, 9 comments for one day! That's gotta be a record. :) Nothing like a little contest to get people posting. Hey John - where's day 2? No pressure. :)
    Todd said...
    John and I modified the workout and decided to row a 400,300,200,100. Who's terrible idea was that?
    My time were 1:11, :54, :34, & :15

    We spent more time rolling on the ground than anything else.
    Charlie said...
    7m55s on this workout... I'm a day behind. But I got in a good series of Bench and Squat after this.
    Food today was good! I had lots of spinach and hummus and been munchn’ on some broccoli all day... Can’t lie though, a beer sounds really good.
    Now if we could just get Johnny to start posting the workouts a little earlier than 8 PM life would be golden ;)
    Scott said...
    WOD: 8 rounds

    10 minutes AMRAP:
    10 50lb kettlebell swings
    10 walking lunges
    10 GHD sit ups

    4 full days of strict zone. See everyone next to Vegas. I will be posting my workouts from Vegas, here is tomorrow's...

    5 rounds for time:
    1 rum and coke
    5 hands blackjack
    10 spins roullette
    15 slot pulls
    Crossfit Richardson said...
    great start guys....
    scott, make sure you keep your heels on the ground and maintain a tight core on the slot pulls.

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